Oh well here goes, I have completed grid etc, and have highlighted one 7 letter word, 2 three letter abbreviations and one 4 letter word ( which I think are correct ) can anyone give me a hint towards...
3 down: Shakespeare's misfortune with Romeo leaving, gadzooks. The answer is "oath" but what is the word (from which the R is removed) that is a Shakespearean misfortune?
Good morning Spectator buffs. 'Problem VII' by Dumpynose is this week's challenge: http://www.spectator.co.uk/article_assets/arti cledir_6776/3388351/crossword.pdf
Maybe all our prominent members are resting after last week's exertions, so I'll kick off this week's thread. Haven't had more than a glance at it yet and am not too familiar with this setter.
Stuck on north-east corner of this delightful puzzle. I have only one sure letter for 10ac-Promotion of Christian unity's come adrift, letting evil Australian runner back in (10) ????????s? Help...
This is now online at: http://www.spectator.co.uk/article_assets/arti cledir_6388/3194411/crossword.pdf Note also the addendum to the Christmas crossword!
78d Unionist stuffed deer with points (5) ur?e? 117a islands' academy has a course (4) ad?? 43d Model most unlikely to wear well (4) ?ast 63d Scottish peer has prison sentence (5) ?tim? many thanks E
49a No schoolgirl has a date in November (5) ?d?l? 93d Tree no garcon's happy in (5) ???i? 92d Member escaping violent plot (5) ???ry 97a Small branches on twisted willow (5) ??i?? many thanks E