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In the absence of any noteworthy news we were talking in the pub about our pet hates on television. There was past his sell by date Bruce Forsythe , the gesticulations of Ricky Gervais , the...
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Blisters on their hands from playing 'Crossfire' game as a kid ??? Just been watching Jonathan Ross' 100 Greatest toys....also loved 'Battling Tops' ! The modern version are Beyblades now.....
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Is this a dating site for the people who are still on phyllosan. If so, is there anybody out there for me?...
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2010. According to news reports this looks like being the coldest December for a century, since records began in 1910, and there's still January to come. I expect it won't be long before we hear the...
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I have a very tolerant wife. 2 daughters married to nice chaps. One grandson. 2 step children, 3 step grandchildren. I love every day I wake up, life is so good. Who needs money, well enough to pay...
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people of Answerbank, who are not important enough to start a 'merry xmas' or 'FAO' thread. Can I just say to you people ' have a great christmas, god bless you all ♥ ♥ ' you are in my...
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...I was wondering what people would do if there was an outbreak of zombies, like in the film 'Dawn of the Dead'. What would you do to survive? Would you sit and hide in a corner somewhere waiting for...
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http://www.theanswerb...k/Question970636.html your thoughts and votes are important....
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I've got an external DVD RW that burns LightScribe images but it didn't come with suitable software to try it out. The Lightscribe DVD's cost a fortune and someone said today that the quality is...
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AB Editor
What is the best shape for a sandwich?
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...can anyone confirm if it will be repeated? Thanks....
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sure everyone is free to air their views here ut must we be subjected to a daily helping of the world according to the Daily Mail the drip drip drip of xenophobia and sundry knee jerk cobbled together...
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In 2003 Mohammed Ibrahim, an asylum-seeking Iraqi Kurd living in the UK ran over and killed 12-year-old Amy Houston while he was banned from driving. He received "British Justice" of 4...
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granny grump
Has anyone any tips for a good bread sauce My friend is coming for Christmas dinner and likes bread sauce. I've never made it and Granddad grump (the chef) hates it so wouldn't taste it for me Any...
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I have a recipe for madeira cake and it says to put 1oz (25g) 0f glycerine in it. Is it dangerous and if it is okay where do you buy it in the uk? Valeriea
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R1Geezer Why don't M'Luds do this more often?...
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Not up-to-the-minute news (dated 27 November 2010), but news nonetheless... The mind boggles doesn't it? Am I wrong in thinking that Islam is the most...
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http://en.wikipedia.o...Voyager_Golden_Record Last night we was at the local rubadub and this conversation came up and to be quite frank thoroughly enraged me to the point that I ended up walking out...
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Hi does anyone know if there is a free software where i can convert a avi film to mp4 so my daughter can watch it on her portable player and if so is it easy and simple cause im not very good at these...
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It struck me suddenly, right in me gob, and dripped down me chin and onto me soup encrusted shirt. Eureka! I have been accused, or rather, credited, with all of the necessary attributes to become the...

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