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I've never particularly watched BB before but I'm at home poorly this week and, because of all the press, I've watched it to see what's going on including some of the live streaming. I found it...
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Who gives a flying bleep?! China
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recently one of our friends has gotten her first proper boyfriend (we're all in our 20's by the way), and she has basically dumped me and our other best mate. she never gets in contact (email,phone or...
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same question (sorry to to copy!) which older women do it for you?
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Is it illegal to drive a vehicle whilst topless?? I obviously mean ladies,as you often see men with no t shirt driving in summer. Just wondered. ; )
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I personally think the North East accent is the best (as thats where i live) whats your favourite accent and why
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shinkypink19 boyf and I have been 'offered' first refusal on the purchase of a house from a family friend. The 3 bed house with gardens front and back had been valued at 115,000-120,000 but they have said...
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Has anyone gone back with their ex after going out with someone/other people? Im not, but Im just being nosy :P Is it better relationship than the last time you was with him/her?
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Why all the questions 2002
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The Premiership is to share a huge money pot from TV rights. The club finishing bottom will get ?30Million. =/news/2007/01/18/nfootie18.xml Can we expect...
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I am seeing far too many jokes on questions that are serious and threads going off tangent with little asides between long term members. This might be fun for some but as AB is now a free for all with...
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If you could have been around to witness a historical event of any kind and during any century, what would you have liked it to have been ?
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let them have their fun! let them frolic through the posts, tiptoe through the topics, spreading nonsense as they go..? look on it as charity - a good in the community... you are helping...
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Has anyone used one of those plastic things that you put ice in to catch the damp air from the dryer. I was wondering if they were any good or not. I have to put the hose out of the window and it is...
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I just wanted to say thank you to all of the genuine people who take the time to reply to peoples posts on this site. I am new to AB and read posts more than contribute but I find it really helpful...
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Poppyflower forgetting to sign out when she asked the last question ? Asked question as herself under supposed imposters name ?
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wtf is goin on!!! i dont no anymore!
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iv had 2 e-mails and a txt message whilst iv been out asking if im poppyf1ower or, just to clarify im not them, and i dnt no what the question was about ????, i just wanna be stylinsam again . :-)
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I am really falling for this guy and I think I am going to end up cheatinh on my b/f with him!!!! i cant stop thinking of him and its drivin me mad!!
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I know a lot on here answer them but, Is there anyone on here who has never asked a question? If so, why?

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