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My husband and I both work full-time. He often tells people that I have the strongest work ethic he's ever seen. We just bought a great new house this year and I've been so excited. However, while he...
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For good this time. I have to admit that I have fouled up bigtime. I thought that I was the most popular person on here, and for many years I was. But I could never offer thongs or naff sports cars,...
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or it was until now.I'm a woman but often think I'd quite like to be a gay man of the good-looking John Barrowman-type. I like men and their bits and am quite happily married,it's just being a female...
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alfieblue ive been following some of the recent posts this past week on my phone (operamini) as i dont have access to a computer when im at my mums, and i too like loftylottie dont want you to stop...
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you are! The ones who make me crease up with laughter, and have hearts of gold. I'm going to miss you all when I go into hospital tomorrow, so before you all fade off to bed, I just want to say thanks...
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Have I only got one person that has tried to clone me once and nobody else has tried to emulate me. Its not fair am I that unworthy on here that the trolls dont want to try and mimic me. I am going to...
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Just sticking his back paw right in his mouth and licking it. As he is a male dog does this means that he is gay. Should this have been posted in an other section
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What has really made you think about life lately? I had my first day back at work and found my secretary's sister had lost her baby at near enough full term. I just can't imagine how to come to terms...
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I feel like the only one, but I really do hate Bigbrother. Ok, I know I can vote on my feet, or with my finger as this is the way I change channel's on the remote, but I really don't get it. A house...
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for the married people, what was you first dance song at your wedding, as in the song you and you other half danced to alone. For the singles or people getting married, what will your be?
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a comment by joggerjayne made me wonder.....what thing or things could make your life complete?.......and-please-NOT the obvious such as STACKS of money, or mr right(and stacks of...
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soooooooo upset by my boyfriend.....
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Sadly another 2 children have been murdered by there father in cheshire, what goes through the mind of someone that decides that there children must die in this way!!!
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something in a minute, just buttering my crackers
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Why do wasps exist, what benefit do they bring? thanks Hedge
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... can be really dull when you live on your own. Lonely_Jayne
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When I had my first child my placenta had to be surgically removed as it didn't come out naturally. I have since heard rumours that when having a baby again I would need to have a c-section. Does...
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no life, an army background (I killed 5 people when I was in the forces), have no legs and really desperate to get laid?
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i cant believe you hate me so much to get banned. I have reached as high as I can to get the vodka and have my valium ready to take. I am sorry if I upset you but tonight I want to sleep. I will see...
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my boyfriend, who has had several cats, says that my cats poos are unusually and consistently large. and thinking about it, they are almost the size of human poo! is this ok do you think? he's been my...

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