Prior to this site I was on a site called Ask Your Neigbour, the site was very good untill the wasaks Fcked it up, has anyone come on here from that site?
one thread would be started in Body & Soul and the daftness stayed in there , why now have we to suffer half a dozen or more unfunny idiotic attention seeking threads from greenie trolls trying to... legg-lives-thrown-away-in-afghanistan-1738429. html A total of 175 British servicemen and 1 women have died in Afghanistan since the start of operations...
A lot of people on here over the past few days have moaned and groaned about the soap characters cropping up on here and having a lafff phill. So I just cannoo understand why so many people moaned and...
on here, but what a shame it has come to this, there are some lovely people that come in here and I have lots of time for them, it could have been so much different.
I have four apple trees and every year for the past ten years we have had a really show of apples ..this year we have had absolutely nowt. I have been told that this is due to the low count of bees in...
Last night i was reading the threads went for something to eat then i could not get back on the site. I was watching the people with names from Coronation street and enjoying the friendy banter. This...
Im watchin MBC2 movies mark wahlberg in Four brothers good film and a kick ass bit now where the gang of machine gun wi?elding gangstas have just killed his young brother and his mother Now you knoww...
As Dot Hawkes said earlier about regulars being driven away, I remembered some from the past: Terambulam Brachiopod Rugeleyboy Dabees Shanx Chico,bird Doc Spock Claymore Daffy Rosetta Bathsheba...
Last week he ventured into my kitchen but sadly today I found him dead in one the flower beds. Only a young one. How can I safely dispose of him. Having looked at their website it seems that the local...
This is just great Listen to it a few times its well catchy its like i dunno ragtime or something but its just catchy as f**k im lovin it gop weee mannnnnnn
Nomerc for giving me my new name on here but I have to post my last post on here now as knob-ed as I will be zapped tomorrow for no reason whatsoever., So I bid a fond farewell to you all in this name...
You don`t have to say who they are, but maybe you could give the reason why. I`d tell you who I personally give a wide berth to but I can`t guarantee that stones won`t be thrown! If this is too...