My 14 year old daughter lives with me for 12 days out of every 14 (she;s at her Mother's every other weekend) Her mother gets the child benefit and because of this I can't claim anything, I do need...
TV switches over to E265/ Mono and the picture goes blank, will eventually go back to the picture. Happens about every 90 second to two minuts or so. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Rupert
On my mobile I have a small icon that has appeared today it is orange and has RSS in a box with a tick at the side. Could anyone please tell me what this is? many thanks in advance.
I am employed in a private house, the people I work for are smokers. How will the new law affect them and me? I work Mon fri 9-5, should there house be a no smoking zone during these hours? regards...
I have this awful, irritating Spycrusher programme on my PC, it isn't in my downloaded programmes, but constantly pops up telling me I have trojans and spyware etc and need to download their software...
I have this awful, irritating Spycrusher programme on my PC, it isn't in my downloaded programmes, but constantly pops up telling me I have trojans and spyware etc and need to download their software...