1a, 2words, 6.4. ????n? ??t?, Support, then scold, inferior. 2d, ????p??, In county, foolishly plays number of West Indians. 4d, ????o?, Reach logical conclusions about a child. 1d ????, Problem in...
17d, ?u?d???e, Many cross with inclusion of large gratuity. 19a, R?e?, Spread out round enclosure. 20d, 2words, 3.3. ?I? ???, Information in order to make part of engine. 26a, ??o???e???, Ignore port...
4d, R???c???, Backing a typical financial district to display greed. 5d, I???l, Model fish on a line. 10a, 2words, 5.4. ????s ?a?g, One could have made you serve old workers in Fleet street. 14a,...
1a, 4words, T??? ?? ??o? H?r?. Remove, perhaps, the PC element of present and past radio show. 9a, E???????c, Odd one out of entire hundred. 14d, ????o?i??, Large song books artist's lifted...
6d, ?r?i?d/o?t, Seek collective inspiration, note, before severe weather event. 10a, ?e?t?l, Some treatment allowed, like brain operation. 14d, G?i??, Escort French author around university. 20a,...
1a, ???????d, Religious teacher and Edward informally talked.
2d, ??I?????, Would- be revolutionary partisan.
3d, 2words, 8.4. ??gt???? ???t, Nothing to wear for annual event?....
1d, T?o????, Lick sides of trencher, put on weight. 11a, ??p?e?, What a relief after one shakes off the first relative. 13a, ??s?t?, Phoney monarch posed with an unknown. 20d, C?????n, Irish miss...
5d, L?????a, Pine club found around old Viking ship. 6d, U?t??, Absolute madman blowing his top. 7d, R?t???I??, I'm unhurt somehow, pierced by tip of base metal. 8d, C?e???e, Purify Anglicans...
17a, ??m?????, Barrier a second copper's assembled in capital. 13d, ?e?????h?p, Improperly conspire about hard cleaning work?. 17d, ????n?, From dockside can track transfer to another vessel. 16d,...
5d, 3words, 6.5.4. Coffee Table ????, Work that's bound to pick up where one's rested an instant. 18d, S?q????, Tree ring shrunk a bit in salt water. 25a, 2words, 5.5. ????e ?a?e?, Protective belt's...
1a, R?c????, Dramatist ultimately behind literary gesture --- and in French. 9a, I?n??????, Pioneer not occupying any vessels with soldiers. 3d, ????r, Young swimmer always circling loch. 4d,...
1a, T?a???????, Copy funny strip cartoon but leave out the ducks. 3d, 2words,4.8. ??l? ??r?????, Picture with airports left out. 5d, ??r?o?i???, Fan copied rail magazine. 18a, I?c???e???s, Detain...
1d, M?????e?, Calculated amount of old drink certainly consumed. 2d, L????, Some meal unchanged?. 8a, ?????l?t, Indication of challenge that may be punishing for runner. 11a,????, Acknowledgment of...
2d, I??????, Persuaded elected leader to meet democrat.
9a, ??????r?a, A set back for top staff at university, wanting new technology installed in lecture theatres....
22d, 2words, 3.3. ?o? N??, Two presents stop bickering.
25a, S?i?n?r, Top criminal seizing power.
28a, 2words, 4.4. ??l? D?n?, Congratulations on how you might get the chop....
9d, 3words, 3.3.8. ??? T?? ?u?s?i??. Propose to equip shop with net sports?.
5d, 4words, E??? ???? E??? G?. Be careful to arrive before effortless work that doesn't bother you?....