am i alone?? am i the only person that doesnt go out on fri night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ho hum right no more tea for me or i will be needing to wee till 3 you see ive got a bad knee and i lost my key...
might i suggest and indeed remind some of those with more of a history on here, that some unscrupulous members of this site, have in the past, with malice aforethought, used the images obtained under...
Whats the song in the bold advert where the guy is waiting for her to get ready and then she wears his shirt
goes something like ''you make me feel......''
Cheers x
des o'conner and tom o'conner aren't related are they only yesterday they said something about being brothers i think maybe it was a joke can anybody tell me. thanks
Was wondering if someone could answer this question for me.....I was at a party last night and my partners sister-in-law asked me was it true that you could renew your engagement ring after 7...
as some people are offended by some of the questions and answere in AB, could there be a indicator or something on the question, that says some users maybe be offended,
why do some people on this site think its a quiz site?! for example, they would say 'name 5 people who have been in corrie for more than 10 years' don't they know its a site for if you need advice or...
why instead of having questions and answers, deleted anomynously, could when someone wishes to delete a post, they have to write a reason, instead of just ticking a box.. And then the reason and...
Having got a wee bit ineb....inneeb....pished on FizzPink's post I am dying to know all your silly romance gone wrong stories....come on out with em, I want all the gory details...
What county does everyone live in (or state etc...), thought it'd be interesting to see how geographically spread we are as lots of people seem to live in the same areas. Just give the one you live...
Watching Ch4 at the moment, these two guys have to be the least funniest people in mainstream TV. Neither are clever or witty, and from a hetrosexual point of view, not in the least bit handsome. I...
Was bought the DVD game for a Christmas present. To be honest I'm really disappointed in it. Why is the number 5 box the one that Noel Edmonds brings out all the time....I think it would have been so...