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Furry red member of the Muppets who refers to himself in the third person. (4) E?M? Thanks...
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42 surrey town situated close to the river mole 5 -s-e-
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19a) riotous drunken revel (4) o?g?
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1 d Card playing what is the alternative to "stick"(5) t?i?k Many thanks in advance...
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Toothed Lever (7) _A_C_E_ Last one I need....
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All the answers are chocolates or sweets - have some ideas but not sure 7. Spikey fruit squared. 36 1000 x 1000 37 Olympics combined 38 They are not nice to little Malcolm 43 Walks up and down -...
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1a,account of something in words,?e?c?i?t???,6d,completly unaware,??l?????s,22a,amiable,[5,2,6]??g??,??,?l???e,23a,rweturn of a decayed building to its original state,?e?????t???....
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24ac in tiers 6 s*a*e* thanks
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3d circle say, that includes appropriate clothing supplier o?t?i???? - outfitter? 14a man on board announced time for retirement n?g?? 18a be domineering and make too much of issue? ?v???e?r 20a...
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(23d) Constantly finds fault with racehorses (4) ?a?s Thanks for any help...
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27a able to be seen at home by kitchen fireplace (2,5) ?n ?a?n? 19d. A continental shade harmful to the environment (7) u?g?e?? many thanks...
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19d- Margate about to welcome second A-lister (8) - ???????R 23d - the two things together on top of yellow shed (5) - ?O??? 26d- arm supporter in Dublin bar, every second counting (4) - ???? 25ac -...
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6a little woman to take gamble with husband ?e?? 8d historic buildings, etc - one in russia loses millions ??r?t?g?...
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25a one cannot go straight through to the middle of this confusing muddle (4) M??? 20d grounds for instance included by medicos (5) D???s Have been suggested MESS for (25) and DREGS for(20). Sadly...
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1d male employee with obsolete praCtices fertilises soil (7) ?A?U?E? 22a fat, lazy person'S alcohOlic driNk (4) ???G thanks
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an 8 letter word meaning "The eating of raw food, especailly raw meat?...
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Jokes about glass are part of vision(8,6)???r?o?s/???o?? Inner city affected with a form of restlessness(10)?t?????n?y Break a little bit inside when rejected(9)R?????c?d
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8a Be frugal,providing university staffroom with little spirit (6) S????? 15a New church ripped apart at the sides (6)...
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29A Some glib explanation for a caprine creature (4) U?E?. The only word that fits is "USED" but I cannot see why? I would be very grateful if somebody could help please...
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09a Where Bord Uisce may find themselves when tapped for resources (2,3,5) i? m?t ?a?e? 20a Old Irish name, as Wayne might have had it. (4) ?e?n Thanking you...

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