after WW1, women began entering the workforce in record numbers.. but what jobs did they take up, and where can I find pictures of this? can't find anything anywhere! Lou
Hi ABers Marriage used to be more tax advantageous in some months and less in others. Which is the best month to get married from HMIT's point of view and why. or doesnt it matter now that everyone is...
i really need to find an artist that looks at branding, (as in branding people so that they all look the same by giving them a tattoo or something) in their work...not sure if anyone actually does...
My father (now in his 70's) remembers singing lyrics to the tune The Dambusters March - but cannot recall them - anyone know them or where I could find them on the net? I've tried trawling through...
Before I email the BBC to tell them they were wrong, would someone confirm that the 60's, means any yr between 1960 & 1969. They said Nat. Ser. ended in the 60's. I was 18 in 1958 and it had ended...
We are in the 21st century, right? Which is, say, from the year 2000 to 2099. If that is the case why do we call 1960 to 1969 the sixties? If the 'century' rule was used then would they not be the...
I watched a programme over the weekend championing having "Jerusalem" as the English National Anthem. I'd be happy to have that or "Land of Hope and Glory", but was puzzled as to why some people in...
I love minidiscs but realise that they are on the verge of becoming obsolete. I always used to stock up on blank ones at my local HMV but last weekend found none on display and was told the chain no...
I think the TV remote control is one of the greatest inventions ever. I ALWAYS turn the sound down when the ads. come on. Am I missing anything, apart from being brainwashed? Allen.
Please can some one give me tips on how to improve my spelling, are there any simple rules i can follow or use to improve it, for example i before e etc, or is it just a case of reading more. my...
I remember seeing an old film on TV when I was really young (it must've been black and white cos it was ancient!) about a picture in a gallery that came to life. The people in the picture were painted...
I saw it the week it was released and it was one of the best of the Disaster Movie era, what was your favourite disater movie? (Up to and Including Titanic if you like)
i need music, that you'd expect to be played whilst on hold, or in a lift, don't ask! I think this entails (excuse spelling dunno if it's right) having little bass, and no vocals. Any help very much...
I love most accents -especially geordie, southern, irish, Australian but ONE accent i absolutely detest, is YORKIE......thee, thy, arn (meaning ours), yourn (meaning yours) etc. Anyone agree n wots...
My friend has just bought an old house (about 100 years old) In every room (and it must have originally been fitted with gas mantels) the ceiling light/rose is only about two feet away from the...
I have looked on the internet for the lyrics to song from the 1930s, but I can't find them. What are the words to the song "Sentimental Gentleman from Georgia"? I know multiple...