Please settle a dispute. Is the fastest way to chill a bottle of white wine a) putting it in the freezer b) in an ice bucket full of ice and water? I would appreciate the scientific explanation...
Apparently this is true. They ate a concoction of foods. When they belched in their opponents face the gas was so toxic it killd them. Any 1 know what it was called?
In a person's English name, there are first, middle, and last names, as you all know. I'd like to know about middle name. Who gets to have a middle name? How do they choose thier middle names? I know...
On a flight recently I experienced really bad toothache when we were landing. This wore off after an hour of so and hasn't returned. Anyone know if it was the descent which brought it on or just a...
What is the name of the dinosaur that had a large dome type thing on his head? I'm pretty sure it wasn't a carnivore, I know it's a long shot but I know I'll remember it as soon as I see the name!
is there any web sites that show step by step, instructions on paper folding, for my sons school project. i have tried google they just seem to show pictures.