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Rev. Green

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I know this is not science but didn't know where else to put the question. What is the proper name for a special cuboid with 12 equal edges? Thanks...
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Rev. Green
My son is too young to drive but he needs to choose a college now. He is considering a college which is a very long bicycle ride away and he'd like to know the cost of car insurance because he might...
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Rev. Green
I've just read "The Rainbow and the Rose" by Neville Shute. Good book, but why is it called "The Rainbow and the Rose" - it mentions neither?
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I know that its not possible and I fully understand the laws of thermodynamics, and I do not wish to debate this. However, my question is what is the longest running machine without any external...
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I asked this question in How it Works last week but didn't get an answer so thought I'd post it here: Like all mechanical devices, my bicycle is less than 100% efficient. Therefore, if I traverse a...
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I have been challenged to use the digits 1 to 9 inclusive, in order, and the symbols plus,minus, multiply,divide, to obtain the result 200. So far, no success. Any clear thinking mathematicians out...
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According to Einstein's theory of special relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.... then how can we "map" our universe? from what i gather we "map" the...
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How can light be turned into matter given the right conditions?
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Rev. Green
People often say things like "If the number of Universes is infinite, there must be some where I've won the lottery". Can someone with a good understanding of Aleph-null, Aleph-one, etc. tell me if...
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Yesterday when I was using my computer it literally went off,and I thought we had a power cut but on chequeing the electricity found it was working. My question is I found the fuse in my Dell Desktop...
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Rev. Green
Does anyone know the sentimental song "Just as the Evening Breeze", probably from about 1920?
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I have got a 20p with no date on either side should I hang on to it or sell
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(Question) What is the easiest job in the world? (Answer) theoretical physicist, like Stephen Hawking. These people say things like there are multiple universes trillions of miles away, There are...
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Imagine that you can fold a piece of paper as many times as you want to (we all know it's about 8 times in reality). This piece of paper is one thousandth of an inch thick (0.001") You are to fold...
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What would happen to a radio signal if you accelerated to the speed of light? Would the radio programme go backwards?
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What would happen if you disposed of radioactive waste in an active volcano? Would the radioactive decay be increased by the extreme heat or would you simply end up with radioactive lava?
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Rev. Green
Every summer fete has mince pies, but there isn't any mincemeat in the shops because it is "seasonal". Is there a supermarket which stocks it, or does everyone stockpile at Christmas?
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I read many years ago that you can travel so far into space until there is nothing there not even empty space. That has baffled me for many years.What are your thoughts on that ?
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Please someone tell me the secret of getting long jumps on this. PS. I don't mind cheating!
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anyone with an open mind, and who tends to question the generally accepted theories of what the universe is and how it works should buy, borrow ,steal a copy of The Electric Universe by Wallace...

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