Please OH please tell me what the problem is with 4B4 drivers in cities and big towns?? I mean why?? There is no need for suchg a vehicle in such a place!! Dont get me wrong i love them and i grew up...
I have had a flyer pushed through my door today, by a company offereing to deliver fags and beer to you door from 9:00am - 4:00am. They state on their website that they are allowed to so this due to a...
Ive got to say I was shocked and appaulled at the attitude and behaviour of the youngesters in last nites programme. What is this country turning into when we have a whole generation that has no...
Could anyone please advise on the best outlet/way in the UK to sell my engagement ring and wedding band other than ebay. 1. White gold princess cut diamond ring valued at ?1400.00. 2. 18 carat white...
Did anyone else think that Leons' performance was an absolute shambles? The song itself is fine, but who on earth thought of that arrangement. I was really looking forward to his turn in the...
Im not being funny but I've always thought that penises smell of prawns after urine has been passed. Then again how many penises have I sniffed? Only mine! Anyone else agree?
My eyes have been bleeding today. Is it just me or should this section be called chatterbonk. Its just been smut all day. now believe me I;m no prude but questions about whats in your handbag just get...
THAT STUPID KATE MELUA SONG I will top myself. If you were a boat I would sail youIf you were a piece of wood I would nail you. If you were a DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it total sh1te or what.
I have been with my partner for 2 years now and i shave down below, i would love not to shave but im embarassed because i have ginger pubes. I am now become 3 months pregant and i am worried because...
Sorry if this topic has come up before, but what TV shows would you love to be back on your screen. You know your fvourites when you were younger. Mine would have to be Noels House Party, Gladiators,...
Hi I've just started jogging and last night jogged for 7 mins at a pretty slow pace. Does anyone have any ideas of roughly how far this might be? (I know it will be a guesstimate). Thanks
I have to design a poster that highlights our new shopping website to all our existing staff - some of them don't know it exists. Can anyone think of a catchy slogan for it? Thanks! Morning everyone!