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Final two ... 19a Attach with gel, treat area of tongue (9) g?e?t?c?t and 22d Reward when beginner loses weight (4) ?n?s. Many thanks in advance....
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Really struggling with last two ....13a Poor pen-pusher - she is dismissed for for agreement with partner (3-3) ?r?-n?p and 18d Person responsible for issue of paper? (8) ?u?r?i?n. Any assistance...
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Is it not wonderful to see that researchers have proven and published the fact that Scottish brains are larger than the rest? Is this not, however, something we all knew already? How else could we...
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Final three and would appreciate your help ...25a Comma or stroke? (9) ?????r?ly, 19d Cake's dear (4) ?h?? and 26d Rod's double (4) ?p?? ... many thanks...
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stuck on final two...17d Artist wrongly tries to put in pole (8) ?o?s???i and 24a Is bigoted leader to last? (6) e?i??? Any and all assistance gratefully received....
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Struggling with a couple ... 4a He puts out (7) ??r?h??, 8a oOld Greek name for hall (7) m?g???? , 22a Fretting (7) c?a?ing all assistance gratefully received.
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Does anyone know how to clean the gold rings on sleeves of naval officer's uniform? They are looking a bit dull. Many thanks in advance....
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Stuck on final three...3a Corresponding, we hear (8) ?s?o?a?t..... 11a Laureate's twinge (5) c?i?? and 8d Fade in sky (6) ?e???n all assistance gratefully received....
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First time being held in the Highlands (Inverness way) and many of the World's top golfers are there. It will be excellent television on Sky Friday and Saturday and on BBC2 and BBC HD on Saturday and...
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Who do the BBC think they are standing for the establishment on who will decide whether Scotland should be independent. It is for the Scottish people alone to decide their nation's future. We do not...
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Now for the main crossword... 12a Spooner's kick-ass drink from27a (4-4)...27a is united states.....8d 1/4 of 15 in court changing hands today (6,2,4) ?o????/??/???y .... 23a Greek character without...
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Stuck on final three 3a Defence (8) ?p?l?g??....7d Floor space (4) ??e? and 22d Prize or bribe? (4) ?a?m All help gratefully received....
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stuck on two this morning....13a They tell tales about god in Australia (7) ??t?o?s ..and 16a Blows the whistles on drug hoards? ??a?s?s all assistance gratefully received...
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Just two to finish on the daily grid...17a Hardy kisser? (6) ?e???n 18d "Just so" artist? (6) ??l?l? all assistance gratefully received...
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Here I am again with some beauties..1a Ada's seducer (8) ????l??? 8a Foremost railman? (8) ????u??? 4d Ribbon on a tree (6) ????on 14d Thickhead painter (8) ?h?????? All help gratefully acknowledged....
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have a look at maureenmeat's post on food and drink clue earlier. Really stumped me...
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Last two....4a Senior investigator scattered but cut off (6) d?s???and 6d He's in charge of those who want to join (8,6) ??o?w?r? / please
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Last one and thinking I must be really thick today 20a Amount of money earned for being included in little musical composition (5,7) ....s?a?l/?o?t?n?.., think it is small something.. all help...
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Still struggling on a few..........6d Water a prophet (5)..?o?et, 14d Walter or Vane? (7)...???r?e? 15a Guinea pilot (6) ..?e?r?e and 18a Mark of PA? (6) ????n? many thanks in advance...
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Here we are again with some real nasties needing your expertise ............... 9a Pole's to me's bean-pole (9)????o?o??... 1d Jonson's wreath-breather (5) c???a ... 5d Samuel's stone chapel (8)...

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