An enjoyable puzzle though not too demanding once the entry device is discovered. I am at a loss however to see the definition of 36d.
Seems it is just a surname that is to be highlighted?...
No, I haven't posted to say "Wow, I've finished it", I am as usual blundering along wondering what on earth is going on. What I have posted to say is "Where has everyone gone?" This used to be such an...
As usual with this sort of 'fit where they will' crossword, I had to solve about half the clues before I could start filling the grid. The beauty of the filled grid, though, made it all worth while....
Help! No EV on the Telegraph Crossword site or is it just me? Have they omitted the puzzle in the paper too? If they have printed one and anybody can scan and send it to me I would be very grateful....
An easy romp today with a clear preamble and no doubt at the end. Unlike EV 1072 (solution published today). I did not have the correct endgame although I had seen the word and thought it was too much...
Well, I'll start the thread although I am still completely bamfoozled by the endgame. I have all the down clues solved but have yet to hit upon some consistent modifications which will fit in the grid...
Nothing contentious here - the link between the extra letters and the perimeter was just tenuous enough to make me think for a while. Thanks the setter.
I didn’t see this puzzle first time around so it was a pleasure to solve it now. It was very gentle without clue gimmicks and set no doubt as an introduction for solvers not used to barred puzzles....
No, I haven't finished it (some chance!) and won't, in fact, be able to look properly at it until this afternoon. But a quick glance over breakfast showed a bad typo in the example Playfair codesquare...
I quite agree with the setter. Although I have (hopefully) solved all the clues correctly and entered them , I am not also quite there . At the moment I have no idea where to go next so I shall give...
Hello EVers, I started off quite well, solving clues more or less in clue order. Came to a crunching halt in the SE sector, but sorted after a while! Then spotted a "string" of letters that helped....
A nice puzzle up until the very last step which I felt was borderline unfair. The gridfill was straightforward as was identifying the group. But, the Chambers entry for the group identifies two...
Very early finish today for me today mainly because I guessed the theme early on to 16a. I'm not sure how difficult this would have been otherwise. Clues were not challenging although it's a nice...
A good solid EV although I more or less had to get the four answers before I worked out how their clues worked as the 17 letters only helped after the event. Very enjoyable, although it would have...
Hello EVers, I always chortle at the name of this week's compiler, but expect a tough work-out. This week was no exception! As ecpected, had to work on the periphery, then, sort of encroach onto 12d!...
I found it very difficult to get a toehold into this one, given the mix of clue types. I think I had one grid entry after 15 minutes. But, plugging away finally paid off once the theme was revealed. A...