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Perhaps it's me, but does anyone else think the clues have been a tad obscure? Anyrate, finally I have only one to go - 3 down (I originally had this as onside, but now I've got the 'wrong' letters!)...
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Hi I've completed the grid but appear to have lots of 'clashing' M's & W's, no idea which to enter in the grid! Any hints/help would be much appreciated!...
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Hi I'm stuck! can anyone help with: One stony path actually leads up close to castle _ _ _ _ _ R Support one cheerful old man raised _ _ _ _ I Pungent plea for one to hold forth O _ _ _ _ _ T Thanks...
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Hi I've got and filled in the five thematic answers, I've got the saying and source, I've answered all the other clus, but....................... what is meant by 'clashes between ten crossing answers...
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I've filled in the grid, but don't understand "One didn't get changed, another unfortunately wasn't fit, and the last must be highlighted." Do they mean out of the twelve thematics or from...
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Hope you all had a great Christmas! I'm stuck on four questions, any help would be appreciated! 22. Acronym for track speed -p- 57ac. He plays the percentages game --e-t 57d. Trumped on court --ed I...
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Hi Ok, I've filled in the grid, but have no clue what X is Any hints would be great! Thanks and have a good Christmas!...
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Can anyone help with 15across? Dry under a wet aspen (9) ? Thanks in advance...
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Any ideas about: She gets the pig farmer's point ?...
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I've filled it all in but can't get any of the 'sets of three' Help! Please...

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