Were talked up by the indie music press in the late Nineties, their album was pretty good, & 'Sleep' was a great single. But what happened to them after that - did they split or were they dropped? Or...
Can anyone name that tune? Does anyone know the name and artist of the previous Bud advert, I believe this is a real song and not a jingle ! the advertisement showed the process of making the...
Is exorbtiant a word because it says it in this part of your website: http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/DisplayAnswers.go?question_id=10490&category_id=9&index=0
What is the procedure for calculating land area using only the Lat/Long coords from a GPS device.I am comfortable with Trigonometry;spreadsheets & CAD programs
Just seen a documentary on Brian Wilson and Pet Sounds. Never really come across the album before. Just how good is it? Where does it stand in an all-time list? Is it worth buying?