I have a standard UK passport valid til 2007. Ive been to the states with it a few time without a visa . last time 3yrs ago. Do I now need to get a visa to go again.Or if I get one of the new...
My boyfriend is not the type to keep porn etc, but I recently found a Pabo catalogue (erotic catalogue) in his room. He insisted he was looking through it to find me some sexy lingerie, and I know it...
I recently watched the awards, i was just wondering if anyone knows wot some of the background songs were, like when clips of the videos were being played and when the presenters came out??
If I use the plane's phones on my flight, does anyone know whether they are reused? My last flight had a notice that said that they were selling their headphones for ?2/$2 but my wife said that it was...
does anyone know how to prolong the ring before it goes to answerphone? my phone only rings a couple of times before it diverts to the answer phone and its really annoying casue half the time i just...