Does anyone know which music video contains a couple who kiss and get their braces stuck together? My cousin likes the song but can't remember what it is??????!!!!!!!!!!!
Does neone know the theme from the latest Cheltham & Glouster advert, where the boy is swimming through the water, the song sounds like an african theme
does anybody know where i can get hold of any spyware for msn messenger or some kind of keylogger FOR FREE so i can keep tabs on my kids! tried Kazaa but dont really know the names of any programs.
Does anyone else think that David Pleat is by far the best summariser on the box? Intelligent and thoughtful insights into the game, compared to Ron ( early doors ) Atkinson and all the utter, totally...
Did anyone else see the news tonight? My God, Blair looked ill!! Gaunt, pale and more grey hairs, I think TB's stance on Iraq is costing him his health.