does anyone know how to set ur cell phone so u can receive text mesages or e-mails from on, it if ur not online, some of my friends when they are not on line get either e-mails on it, or i can send a...
Why are those windmills, the ones used to generate electricity, always pure white? Why aren't they blue, green or any other colour that might blend into the background a bit better? The only reason I...
Actually the title of the question pretty much explains it. Does anyone know what the music from the new Levi's advert is? The one with the mice in it.
Is waxing or sugaring more efficient at removing hair for longer? Also, is sugaring less painful than waxing? And is it safe to either wax or sugar the hair on your arms?
Can anyone tell me whether the flow along an oil pipeline is equal to to inner diameter of the pipe ? Or is it more of a river running along the bottom of the pipe ?
Does anyone know what the soundtrack is to the above ad ? It is quite a long advert and features rugby players with weird papier-mache head masks on ......thanks
On last nights E4 showing of THTV there was a sketch with a piece of music with the lyric 'I'm just glad to have you back again'. It was kind of synth/electro Fischerspooner-esque. Who did it and what...
When planning the team, Brad pit says ' we will need a Boski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy , 2 Jethros, a Lyon Spinks and an Ellor Fitsgerold. Whats does this mead? Sorry about any spelling mistakes....
In a bid to beat insomnia i stopped drinking caffeine from about lunchtime onwards, and basically drink decaffeinated drinks or hot chocolate in the afternoon or evening. Since then i sleep like a...