Just wondering. Some new posters who dare to dip a toe into these waters may feel a bit shy as so many of you seem to "know" each other so well. I sometimes post and if it gets no response,...
You're never alone with a strand. Take a tip, take a Bristol, today's cigarette is a Bristol. The real cool flavour you'll never forget A Britsol is today's cigarette. This tune is constantly running...
While sitting at your computer, raise your right foot off the floor and begin to rotate it in a clockwise direction. At the same time use your right hand to draw an invisible number six in the air and...
After I had mailed some parcels and paid for them with a card payment I asked the postmaster if he could change a fiver for me. He said they were not allowed to. I queried this and he said again that...
I wish she would speak properly. She misses the "g" from word endings like comin', doin', sayin', etc and also says 'wiv 'instead of with. She also says 'We done it' instead of we did it and...
Three students spend £30 (£10 each) on pizza. When the pizza boy returns to the restaurant, his boss points out they should only have paid £25 between them. He takes £5 back,...
Three people go into a restaurant and they decide to share the cost which comes to £10. Somehow during the transaction there is an unaccounted for £1. It is one of those conundrums that I...