25across. This match has added impetus because of ill feeling between the teams. (6) _ _ E _ S _ I would've called it a grudge match?? Anyway, many thanks in advance.
34d Assumption of the diametrically opposed function 4.8
I have ?O?E ?E?E?S?L but just cannot find the answer. Any help would be much appreciated and thank you in advance
12 ac indigenous people of caribbean popularion dwindled landing of columbus 1492 (5) t?i?o 6 dn premium cut of beef used for steaks taken from rib area (9) e?t?d?o?e many thanks in advance
Hoorah - I was a runner up in the ?500 Prize Crossword(Telegraph) a fortnight ago - Book 6 of Telegraph GK Gen Kn Crosswords. Better than a smack in the eye with a wet fish!!!
Please help 19 d I love ******** [7] about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about. - Wilde 24d Latin term for the body of science now known as pharmacology [7,6] Thanks to all the cyber...
Trying hard to finish this one - only got 10ac left A swindle, i.e. something not on the level R?M? assume answer is RAMP but what is connection with swindle ? also assume WAYLAY is ok for 12ac but...
Think that I have finished but need confirmation on two answers 23ac Plane, for example, flying above Britain (12) I have A?BR?V?A?I?N - all I can think of is ABBREVIATION but if so why - or if not...