I thought that I had finished this fairly well until 28 d stumped me - I assumed 28ac was GRADUATE but if so 26d can not be IFNI - can anyone help please - full clues are 28ac One about to receive a...
need some help in top left corner 1ac Carried off secretly full of determination (8) ???????D 11ac Recall development hesitantly made by monk (8) ???????R 4d Not going over crossing place in kent (9)...
am stuck on several tonight 4d strength in numbers current facts show (7) W?T???E 14ac As usual a number agree to differ (7) A?E???E 24ac as an insult said its trickery (7) ????G?T 22d Praise for...
Has any one out there tried to do the griddler today? I am confused. Is there an error or am I too dumb today? If 14 starts at the bottom left hand corner then17 must start at the bottom.. In that...
need confirm on two items please 9ac Small semicircular moulding round a column (8) A?T???A? is it ASTRAGAL and if so what is name for heaven in norse mythology ?S?A?D
not sure of two
16d Start game removing trick (9) ???A?A?E?
19ac One may be rewarded for an hour in church perhaps
(6,2,7) W?N??? OF SERVICE and that assumes that 14d is AWARENESS
need help with last two 5d the point of intersection of two curves (4) C?S? 19d Socially awkward (6) ?A?C?E I know I will kick myself - but thanks in advance
4D derogatory North American slang for someone who is despicable (7) I have R?T?U?S, but may have gone wrong. Also 18D Guitar based music of the 1990s (7) B?I?P?P BRITPOP Thanks.