Having studied the rule book and deferred to a higher authority, it is was great pleasure that the Organising Committee awards the crown for February to Jan1956 with three first matches plus 1 match...
In a dramatic race for the Links Crown, the last four links chosen by Barbara (aka rogerr) with a TV theme are as follows: News AGENT (or AGENCY) Play GROUND CLING Film SOFT Soap You lot must be...
Good Morning. This is rogerr (Barbara). The four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am and you are invited to guess the missing links for this week's theme which is...
Another weekend has rolled around and soon we must attempt to match wits with Kate Mepham and predict the four Link words for the final time this month. As we have done before, one of our early...
That week went by at a fair rate of knots and the weekend is just around the corner. With it comes the two link games and the AB versions of Blanketty Blank.The MM version of the game is entirely...
I'm an estate agents and quite often have to call people up who may have offered on a house just to let them know that i have only been able to leave a message for the owner, and that i will come back...
Last night I bought an item on Ebay and the seller is my cousin's son! We live miles away from each other and I haven't seen him since he was a baby and I was about 8. This was about 40 years ago. I...
One last plea before I have to return the quiz. Can anybody identify the three people from the attached link. Any help appreciated. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69338674@N00/ Thanks
After an unexpected early finish today, am trying to finish this but am stuck in the middle. 13D Second-rate leader giving up (5) A?E?D 15D Overage actress losing heart for parts (5) A?E?S and 22D...
Good morning all and thankyou to Aquagility for posting the results for me. I apologise for the delay in posting the results - gremlins in the works would be the best way to describe it, but will...
The link words chosen by Barbara are as follows: Red ADMIRAL Blue BELL Yellow HAMMER BOWLING Green Nice ones - but presenting a headache for the scorer. There's so many multiple "first" hits that I...
TWTWTW - and here we are once again ready to quess and double guess the LINK WORDS. Steff (aka seekeerz), the Wizard(ess) of Oz has already set the scene for the KM Game and this is driven by the...
Good Morning. This is rogerr (Barbara). The four words to have their links predicted should appear below at 9.00am and you are invited to guess the missing links and "Colour my Rainbow" Most of you...
It's that time of the week, again - time to try and predict Kate Mepham's Link Words for this weekends competition - time to try thinking along the same lines as Kate - so far all four link words have...
Can anyone help me? 535 chocolate sweets 536 mother curry 538 spanish thank you for smith's wealth of nations 539 missing, they should have seen it coming 540 jean pierre dispatches fashion 552 toilet...