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According to my limited knowledge of astronomy, the universe is finite. So, could someone explain to me, when you are travelling in your spaceship and arrive at the 'end' of the universe, what is on...
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Following on from the question below, which visitors to this site shave their pubic hair?
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seb brown
What's the name of the music video director who usually does cool hip hop videos? He's the top director, who all the big rap stars go to. Think he directed one of Roni Size's last video.
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In Alan Partridge last week, he said that MDF was banned in the U.S.A. Is this true and, if so, why?
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The Rut
Why Didn`t Spain enter the second world war on Germany`s side?
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Im a massive Alan Partridge fan and waited for his new series with great expectations but...nobody could be more suprised than me that I dont find it FUNNY. Ive not even tuned in after the 2nd...
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The funeral question here reminded me of a recent radio programme on this subject. As usual, I can't think of a preference, while my husband leans towards Gary Glitter's Seeya Latter Alligator. Does...
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Does anyone else out there suffer from panic attacks? Can you suggest some self help remedies?
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Is Princess Diana really the greatest Briton of all time? At the moment she is No.1 in the BBC's poll. Good God!!!!!!!
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Who was cooler, the Tick or Earthworm Jim?
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This is on flyers of various clubs, I'm buggered if I know what it means.
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Help!! Can you guys suggest some good ideas for an assembly for 16-18 year olds done by my form/tutor base for school please. It should be funny and entertaining and possibly have a moral. Can be...
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I recently watched a programme about the way in which historians think thatStonehenge was built and discovered that the stone was quarried 40 miles away and transported by rollers to Salisbury plain....
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The Rut
Which Film has the best final scene
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Does it really matter now about her rape allegation, i.e. why didn't she make it at the time (and I don't mean does it really matter if she was raped - that does of course, and is a different question...
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Two wins in four days for the Scots - we are absolutely flying! And you can't tell me that the teams were insignificant (well maybe Iceland were...) as Canada is the biggest country in the world. That...
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Undefeated in 2002, including games against Argentina, Germany, Croatia and Italy.... Surely the now the best team in Europe? (Cymru am byth!)
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I have an exam in 2 weeks. What is the best way to revise my year's course in that time?
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For some reason I really want to socialise with more people, particularly girls, aged between 16-19. How can I do this and why do I feel this way? This isn't anything perverted, I'm only 22 myself and...
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Do you know how many babies we can have maximally at one birth? Can we have any combination of babies--even number or odd numer? If not, is there any biological reason? I'd also like to know how to...

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