I think Radiohead are very overrated. i have listened to their music and do not understand why they are so popular. What artists do fellow bankers think are overrated.
what song is this, it sorta goes like this - it may b by good charlotte or new found glory..."that's the way to go, for you no i'm american"...yah, if ya no it please share your knowledge :) thx
What's the worst film you've ever seen? Mine is a horror film called 'spawn' which had no redeeming features whatsoever. Some films are so bad they actually start to become entertaining, but this...
Does anyone have any idea of this film i saw bout ten years ago on tv. it was set in a school in USA, all i can remember about it was that one guy went to the toilet at the start and was gone for like...
Hi all, dont know if you can help me, but i am trying to think of a name for a kitten we are picking up in a few weeks time and havent had much luck. He is a blue Burmese and probably going to be...
Come on fellas, who floats your boats? And I don't necessarily mean the latest waif or up and coming actress. I mean who has the most sex appeal? e.g. Kim Cattrall is infinitely sexier than any...
i need 10 songs with a time of the day in them. for example: 3am eternal by KLF or Midnight at the Oasis by Brand New Heavies. I'm struggling, can anyone help?
'Don't push me', 'I'll be back', 'Use the force Luke' - Ok we all have some pretty memorable and famous film quotes stashed in our memories, so what is your favourite film quote of all time?