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1981 to 2000 of 2231

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EU chiefs have uncovered a fraud involving ?500,000 our tax payers money being to paid to the family of an MEP. A European Parliament investigation had found major discrepancies in his use of...
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So.. they announce today that 90% of parents with obese children DONT KNOW they're kids are fat.... and are storing up future health problems for them.... When are people going to stop making excuses...
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Reading last weekend that we are apparently in our 14th year of being unable to find an accountant in Europe to audit the accounts. Is the EU so institutionally corrupt that they can't even bribe and...
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Do you think this pair are going to get. 598.stm Not enough to be honest. I suspect they will be out and in another relastionship and having more...
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rov1200 .stm Now that all 3 major parties are intent on tax cuts will this help the economy and save British jobs or is there a better method? Will tax cuts just...
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An old soldier with one leg and blind in one eye, has been banned from selling poppies outside a Tesco supermarket in the Midlands. A spokesman said his unsightly appearance was upsetting customers....
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is it legaal and where would we stand ?
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I am looking to find a wave machine, which were popular in the 60's and 70's, anyone help?
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According to Trevor Phillips of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, no "Barack Obama" could ever succeed in UK because of institutional racism. This I find very very droll, but also a little...
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With the American economy heading for a deep recession, their unemployment rate currently above 6% and rising exponentially Obama has promised protectionism for its companies and workers. This will...
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The British Empire waved the white flag. The USSR waved the white flag. We let America sh*t on us. Why? They're only one country in a whole planet of nations. They're backward politically and have...
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Can anyone give me some helpful advice. I want to lose around two stone so that I can have a nice gluttonous christmas without feeling too terrible in the new year. The thing is I don't want to give...
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The Bank of England has cut interest rates in the UK by one-and-a-half percentage points to 3%, its lowest since 1955, in a shock move. Last month it cut rates from 5% to 4.5% in an emergency move...
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If 2 people have identical radios with new batterys one playing full volume the other at low volume whitch one runs out of power first
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Hi all. Does anyone know a good program to see my source good of a program? I changed it to an exe file accidently and now cant view the code for some reason, does anyone know a program where i can...
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Do you think there are thousands of gun toting rednecks out there ready to assasinate Obama? He seems to be standing behind bullet proof screens making speeches etc. Is there more danger than any...
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I have been recommended to soak my feet in ebsom salt and use over counter antibiotic cream for my ingrowing toenail. But can you actually get over the counter cream like this, and can anyone...
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Hi, i recieved a really sick email plus pictures today is there anywhere i can report it?
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For the past 2 months I have had streams of clear mucus from my nose. I have tried a number of remedies to no avail. I once had polyps removed by surgical operation. Now I am trying Beconase bought...
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In the light of the recent fiasco, is it time the lefties where booted out of the BBC? Should the running of the BBC be handed over to the guardians of all that is good and moral, namely the daily...

1981 to 2000 of 2231

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