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anotheoldgit So according to the commander of British forces in Helmand, our Soldiers who risk death by holding their fire during battles with the Taleban to avoid killing civilians...
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We had Cameron last week softening up the electorate for drastic cuts , in order to bring the defecit down - stating that the figures are worse than they thought it was , and they will need to make...
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Do you agree with Ken Clarke that we need to scrap shorter prison sentences and introduce more liberal punishments for crimes attracting a sentence of less than 6 months? ///Mr Clarke said short jail...
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anotheoldgit Is what is happening in Pakistan, making it more difficult for any advancement in the Afghanistan situation? And since the total number of British dead is fast approaching...
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anotheoldgit Vuvuzela trumpets could be banned from World Cup stadiums, do you agree?...
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This year the Netherlands are withdrawing their contingent of 2000 troops from Afghanistan. By next year the Canadians are also withdrawing their 3000 troops. Our 10,000 troops seem likely to be in it...
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i have a cool box that plugs into car cigarette lighter or electric point,how long can this be left plugged in?
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http://www.dailymail....t-British-troops.html Isn't it now time we took off our 'velvet gloves' and played as dirty as the Taliban are playing. No good anyone saying, "that to do this, would make...
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I've just been listening to report in the news, 55 people have been killed in a bomb attack in Yemen, 41 of whom were civilians, what can we do to stop terrorism like this spreading?
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To be a viable PM today it appears necessary to conform to a political stereotype of being a presentable white male, good media performer in your early forties with an Oxbridge background - like...
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http://www.dailymail....ass-English-test.html What about all the Britons who can't even speak proper English? Shouldn't they have to pass a test first too? I isn't spouting fiction now, Is I? Innit...
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I had some new tyres fitted the other day. The tyre fitter was telling me they have a legal obligation to inform the police of any illegal tyre treads/brake parts if they do an inspection but the...
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They've travelled half way across the world to find security and safety. Why can't they stay?
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Just seen the news & saw that mad woman Thatcher coming out of No 10. Wouldn`t her head look good on a pole along London Bridge, along with quite a few others. Who would you add to the...
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Would that be handy do you think? That's the same amount as the NHS? About the same amount as the EU budget 5-10 times the DHSS budget What is it? The Black economy...
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anotheoldgit /// David Cameron will say "The public will be given an unprecedented chance to help decide spending priorities."/// How will he implement this,...
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There has been a series of programs on Channel 4 this week about past scientists who have changed our world. Is there any living scientists who could be added to the program so that in 100 years time...
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I often gaze up at the stars and every once in a while i see a very small ''ufo'' travelling above sometimes they can be super bright or very dull and im pritty sure its to high for an areoplane.
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Actual police theories, not our own.
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Only one question need be asked, and that question is:- Do you want to own a gun? Should the answer be yes, then clearly you are an unsuitable person to own a gun....

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