Please does anyone have any different ideas for barbeque. I am new to it . Wondered if I could cook a roast, or Sunday breakfast. Also ideas other than salad to go with the steaks, cutlets sausages,...
Phlegmy phlegmy custard, phlegmy phlegmy pie, all mixed up with a dead dogs eye, stir it thin, stir it thick, then wash it down with a warm cup of sick. Weren't we delightful as kids!! Blame Bigfoot,...
We`ve just heard of another death in our family. This is the 6th since last December. 2 were very unexpected. Everyone in our family is getting really depressed especially my mum aged 87 and mother in...
very warm and sticky night here didnt sleep to good at all.
just had a nice shower to wake me up, tea and toast on the way.
hope your all well and be safe out there!...
Is there any reason why spraying tomato plants with Cheshunt compound would not be effective in preventing tomato blight? And if so, are there any reasons why I shouldn't try it?
Don't normally go for american college rock music but I think whoever put the closing credits together tonight on Match Of The Day deserves a pat on the back ... For the closing credits ... click...
Yesterday I had to run to catch a train and I found that I had to hold my boobs because thay were bouncing around so much .
BTW I'm a 52 year old male ....
i got some from holland and barratts and theres all sort of stuff them ...herbally kind of things but wondering which of these things may have high carb... as well as active stuff there is bulking...
Hi my partner (male 63 ) has hade cancer (twice Bowel and Liver ) he has been told that he has got low Testosterone levels and is suffering like some of us girls with the menopouse, but due to having...
to attract the oppossite sex???...a girl i knew [and liked in the 70s] had a crush om starsky of starsky and hutch,so i went and had a perm done to look like him,or so i thought,..when she saw me she...
People in the North of England have been issued with a serious flood warning due to the fact that everyone in Scotland have been pissing themselves laughing!
At the moment as I'm not at home I'm missing my 'instant ice cubes' out of the fridge (press the bar and they shoot down a shute into the glass rather than having to wrestle with cube trays!) Also my...