Smells: What is the one thing that turns your stomach and the one thing that you could sniff all day? My favourite is babies straight out of the bath and I can retch if I walk past a butcher's...
just wonderng whether this sounds like a come on to any lads out there? on friday night i went to a party. there was a guy there who i've known for a while.. but we're not friends..just know each...
I am just looking for a public definition of what people consider assertiveness and what people consider to be bossy. What defines them for you? What seperates them?
i have just downloaded the anthony and the johnsons album!! its no wonder the kids today are miserable listening to this kind of music!! it has got to play with the mind of the young one's!!
stemming from the attractive or not really post below who are your top 5 people/celebs/abers who you find attractive in looks way and in personality way .
Whenever I go over 30 mph my bike seems to seize up, its very embarrassing as it means I can't speed up and it feels downright dangerous when it happens.I can't seem to explain it. I took my bike to...
Well, that got your attention! Do you sleep walk or sleep talk? What's the strangest dream you have ever had? I once dreamt that I was really late for work, jumped out of bed and got into the...
Help! I am meant to be working,but everytime I try and go and send some emails,ring a client etc I get these awful withdrawl symptoms and have to log back into AB immediately! What can I do about this...
i have thought about this question for a long time now. What i want to know is, do men really find women, (who i consider to be incredibly false,) such as Jordan,Jodie Marsh and Pamela Anderson...
Hi guys - I posted a question in motoring lastnight as to how on earth I can find somebodys address from their car reg number,but seeing as not as many people look at that section I wondered if any of...
I get about 8 hours sleep every night and don't wake up too often (occasional bathroom break, but thats about it), but I'll wake up still feeling sleepy. Could I be geting too much sleep?
Its back, superb, not interested in cars at all but think Jeremy Clarkson, who is sooo totally to the right of right, is a hilarious, pig headed, male chauvinist, out dated unfashionable, smoking,...
Well my weekend was blissful until Saturday night when my boyfriend of 9 months received a call from his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting right beside me at the time when his phone rang but he has taken...
There is a video of a Ferrari driving through Paris in the morning at a break neck speed. I caught the end if it once on tv. It is not very long and I think it is quite old. Does anyone know what and...