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Anyone know if its possible to repair a faulty memory module? I know its faulty because when i put it in my PC after about half hour it resets itself, then every five minutes or so once its rebooted...
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how do you delete all the websits you have been on which come up in the address bar, for example when i type www.a... all the addresses with a come up. how do i stop this happening? ive tried deleting...
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Has anyone tryed the new Windows Vista? if so what is your verdict
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does anyone out there have a used PCI graphics card they no longer use and are willing to sell? I aint prepared to pay price of a new one especially when you can get a much more powerful PCI-E one for...
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I have two USB ports on my computer. I could use more.... How can I add ports, cheasply and easily? Is this possible or am I just being silly?
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Any tips on how to clean a computer keyboard? I have heard that you can put them in the dishwasher but find this very hard to believe!!!!
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Has anyone used this yet? What's the verdict?
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Hey! Just wondering if anyone with a little more knowledge than me knows how to connect a laptop to a tv so that I can put dvds in my laptop and watch them on the tv rather than having to bring my...

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