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Just been blown away by John and Johanne's Paso to Pirates of the Caribbean. Makes me mad with my mother it's the reason she no longer watched what was her fave programme but in a strange way it was...
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Good morning everyone - a bit gloomy out there, they say rain, but I'm not holding my breath, and will be heading out to fnd the hose very shortly least there's no wind, thank goodness !! Ok a...
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I'm about to send an email to my surgery asking for blood tests as I should have had these done in September but they are not to blame - they did send me a letter reminding me. However I am going to...
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My sister received mail that obviously had been opened and taped with sellotape and I think personally posted to her. Recently I had spoke to a Post Office lady who told me that the post code number...
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Good morning everyone - and after a nightmare few days of thunderstorms and hail, the sun is shining and I can get out in the garden to see what has survived ....of course i shouldn't be surprised,...
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Good morning everyone - grey and rather cool, typical Saturday ....oh well, Summer will be along and I'll be happy to camp indoors when it's hot, so I shouldn't complain now, but it would be nice just...
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Good morning everyone - well the sun’s shining but that wretched wind is back again, tearing the petals off the wisteria ... I’m not going to get the usual long drawn out flowering we often do, a real...
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Good morning everyone - back to overcast skies today, after several days of beautiful sunshine ....ah well, we can't have everything :) Only catch, with days like these, the weeds grow like wildfires...
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Good morning everyone - 'lovely' wet Saturday, but coming on the heels of Thursday .....30+degrees, high winds and the first bushfire for the season ...I'm happy to have the rain :)) Now for the...
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Carakeel and myself were married on July 1st. and we are having a handfasting ceremony on the 8th September in a local village. It will be held at Baskerville Hall, which is just a mile from our home....
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I am in the midst of a Crohns flare up. The hospital sent me targeted steroids to calm things down. But have been vomiting, and breaking out in cold sweats. My back and legs shivering, no strength at...
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Good morning everyone - cold and windy day here, not one for being outside at all - the sun is shining, sort-of, and I don't think the rain is very far away, so I'm happy to stay put and do my...
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Blind in one eye from birth, now have cataracts in both eyes. I know that advanced cataracts can make the eye look 'odd' so would it be possible to have a cataract removed from the blind eye without...
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Good morning everyone - our lovely spell of warm sunny weather has disappeared, but the promised rain hasn't arrived ...typical I think I'll be watering before too long !! I'm making no...
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Good morning everyone - gorgeous sunny day here, no wind - it's bliss !! I'm planning on spending it outside, communing with the weeds - only snag with that, it's difficult to do while sitting in a...
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For you Scottish people - how far is Airdre from say Glasgow...
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Good morning everyone - a pretty good weekend coming up, the sun is shining and the wind has dropped, thank goodness ....hoping to get out and tackle some more weeds later ! Well the links look...
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Good morning everyone - a pretty dismal Saturday here, so I've lit the fire and bunkering down with crosswords etc, and planning not much else. But Spring is on the way, I know this because my prunus...
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had hips xrayed have pain in right buttock reccomend any pain killer
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DVLA have been contacted but because of Covid and people working from it may not be dealt with.

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