38d Do nearly all doubt or become humbler (9)? Is this conqerer or conqueror? Humbler can be a noun or adjective but I can't find any difference between the two possible answers.
22d Division in England: PM a politician with alot to take on (16)? - o - t - a - p - o - s - - - -. Am I being particularly dense here or is there really no such word?
54a Wild boar's short period across Welsh river (6)? t - s - e -. 9a Posh headgear associated with a place of bliss (6)? - - - p - -. 34d Current rating in government at risk of overthrow 98)? r - - -...
Back sooner than expected. Are you still there LiK?
19a Well initially, children's game is fine (5)? w - - - y
20d Blind (partially), bird as dirty woman (8)? - - a - t - rs....
24d Touch God in Lewis (6)? - - r - s -. I can only think of caress.
23a Starts to advance round circle, as this line (3)? No cllues. I hate these short words....
How I have struggled with this. No one else has I see.
9a Duke - a famous one - losing weight in house (8)? d - e - l - n -. If this is dwelling, I can't see it....
33d Plant in sheep run (6.6)? - a - o - -/- a - d - -
38d Florence's heart, for example? So it is! (4.6)? - - - y/- e - t - e.
What on earth have we got here? I'm getting nowhere....
Am I the only one having trouble today? 18d Old Italian did Carry On Custoer nude for audience in a dparture from Shakespeare (4,7,2,1,4)? exit/-u-s-e-/--/a/-e-r. 46a Having crossed pond, catching...
Finally defeated. 16a Over the limit - don't eat as well (3,4)? t - o/ - a - t. 12a Poem on senior officer taking everyhing back (5)? - - m - s. I think this begins with c. 4d Report of a little...