just a thought what today would be classed as such?, as per mway signs, surely those three wheeled blue plastic deathtraps disappeared twenty years ago,anybody today who is disabled drives a normal...
Im currently taking driving lessons and im looking for a cheap first car for when i pass (i dont want to spend more than ?800). Any suggestions of where i might find one?
This is a long shot but I'll give it a go. In about 1993, the now defunct "The Late Show" on BBC2 ran a special programme entitled "No Nirvana," a compilation of studio performances by grunge /...
Anyone know any really good films that very few hear about (not cult). I have recently seen 'The Runaway Jury' and to be honest it's the best film I've seen in ages.
I know this should be in sport, but I don't really want to get into a footie argument, as this is general interest. Now that 'Big Phil' has turned down the England manager's job, and Steve McLaren is...
Does anyone remember this? I think it was for Vauxhall. A baby leader rallies his baby comrades and gets a little hot under the collar! (Must have taken ages to shoot). It was great to watch and...
A sensetive point I know but remember the Romans were far from angels and it's okay to ask the same question about them. What positives for the world came from the Nazi rule? I'll start: Affordable...
What's the most amazing fiction book you've read? I'm just getting back into reading, and I need some suggestions. They can be any genre - comedy, thriller, fantasy, horror, I'll even consider...
My beautiful tortie lady Sugar had her first litter of kittens today. She was covered exactly 64 days ago today. Unfortunately, i hadn't realised that she was giving birth until it was too late....
Hi i am 18years old and am going to start driving this month..I haven't got my provisional yet...but i am applying for it this week. How long do you advise it will take me to pass my driving test on...
after being together for about 10months, my boyfriend cheated on me. i found out it happened 3times in total. it was just a kiss with his ex girlfriend. should i forgive him?
With the way fuel prices are rising yet again towards ?1 per litre, and with all the usual politicking double-talk, is it not about time the masses got together to organise some more blockades of fuel...
I was on the bus on Friday and was shocked that a mother sat and listened to her 3 year old coming out with the "F" word , Got to be honest i say S**T word now and again but even at 33 would be...
i was reading the other day that some muslims want to have shair laws in parts of the u.k, i couldnt believe it who are these people cant be native brits surely. i dont understand if they dont like...
i will be moving in with my bf. soon, problem is i have dog, and he has a cat. any one with any suggestions how to introduce them ? My dog isnt viscious at all but will be curious. However cat is a...
I'm just about to move house and do NOT intend having a tv. I've heard that others without a tv still get harassed about licences. Has anybody got any experience of this?