I made my own mind up re the June referendum, I have Dip. LCW after my name and, despite what Ca Moron thinks, can read, write and think for myself. I am LIVID that £9,000,000 is being spent of OUR...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-35918844 well well well, who'd-a thought it? can we expect high level fall-out from these disclosures, or is the matter just going to die the death after an initial...
Am looking for a simple recipe for oven cooked Port Steaks that come out tender and succulent without a lot of herbs and spices and messing about. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Happened to be channel hopping yesterday and caught site of Noel Edmonds, haven't seen him for years, what on earth has he done to his beard? He looks ridiculous, it reminds me of a police e-fit...
I notice that one member of the gang is aged 20 and has been sent to a young offenders institution ..... does anyone know the age limit on a 'young offender'?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3418475/Haunting-life-courageous-girl-Cecil-Parkinson-shunned-birth-Tory-grandee-s-never-saw-daughter-nor-sent-birthday-Christmas-card.html I have just read...
When I was a lad in the 50s it was always breakfast, dinner and tea, and maybe a little something for supper if mum could afford it, but this was not often! When did the change take place, did I miss...
Hi Please could somebody finish this limerick for me. I can't think of a good closing line...I'd like it to include somethibg inspirational for a friend of mine who is recovering from a long-term...
I know this is going to sound like a stupid question - but here goes anyway !! I have to prepare a meal for 50 people in a week or so. It is a simple enough menu - sausages and mash. However, I am...
I've been asked to find the songs for my nans funeral. She was from Belfast and I've gone completely blank. Obviously much of the songs that mention Belfast are rebel songs which would not be...
Hello, a few weeks ago you gave me some advice on a problem that I had with making picture quizzes, you told me to follow the instructions below; Install doPDF onto your computer:...
Someone I knew a long time ago has made contact as they are in my area one weekend. They are a couple with a dog who suggest it would be good to meet up after all these years . On the next contact it...
bought new stainless steel pot last week £30. i watched a few youtube videos to teach me to season it, i followed them . so i thought the pot was seasoned, fried some garlic potoatoes last night and...
Looking for advice for a 2 night stay in Bavaria, visit Christmas markets, shopping etc, probably for about 10 people, planning it already for next Christmas! Any advice would be great, thankyou. (I...