A quote from history, 'Nero fiddled while Rome burns' ..... The modern day version is, 'Cameron goes on holiday while Calais burns'! What on earth is wrong with the man, this is a major crisis, we are...
If so, have a look and listen to this brilliant song by Ringo, on his latest album.
It incorporates titles of lots of Beatles' songs. It is really cleverly composed....
Poor little boy, body found on building site. Mother had told him to be in by eight. He was seven years old and the park where he was playing, looking at map on the news, was a very long way from...
The local radio station is playing I Have Only Have Eyes For You by Art Garfunkel. I had completely forgotten about that song. Which songs bring back memories from your youth?
A friend sent me a youtube performance, some years ago, of Andrea Bocelli singing this song, which had a resonance for us both. My friend has died recently, and I would love to hear of a CD in whish...
As above - my OH is thinking of taking early retirement from a stressful job. I'd be interested to hear of anyone's personal experience of retiring - whether it's you that retired, or your spouse (I'm...
This is my local MP. I cant stand the ***, his attitude stinks especially his aloof and demeaning attitude to letters from his constituents. And this action says it all....
It should be amusing, but it is really very sad, that ABERS on here continue to mock the One True God, and substitute for Him, erroneous comfort blanket arguments that in the short term give a feeling...
Was lucky enough to have 4 numbers on the Lotto tonight - looking forward to a £100 or so - and imagine my disappointment when 4 numbers is only good for £21, 3 numbers for £25 - I know how they...
Hi, I'm off on a long haul flight next week with my daughter who has learning difficulties. I know this may seem naïve, but I did not realise I had to pre-select & pay to be seated together (only...
Does anyone else agree that Aleshas rendition was quite possibly the worst take on a National anthem ever - I`d almost swera I saw Prince Michael wince. Opinions please.
I've never been in one, but walked past one yesterday. I saw things like milk, eggs, loo rolls, soap through the window. Could you possibly do a 'decent' weekly shop in one of these places?...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3149190/All-12-Islamic-State-Luton-family-release-statement-confirming-Syria.html I am sure that most of us will be please that they have now arrived safely and...
Are these words that fill you with rage whenether you hear them at the start of a sentence? Well rage is probably a strong word but you know what I'm saying. Which words,buzzwords,quotes,sayings...