2d; carries high tension cables 5 ????? 1a; last things were likely to eat 7 ??????b 18d; used to make wine and cider in fleet street mainly 5 ??a?s 16a; people who pick fuel from their faces so to...
Asking for a friend who's doing this quiz (I'm not) so I'm not sure I've spelt the clue right. I think it's from the Rhino quiz, and the answers are all food and drink items. Note hot dog (7 letters)...
Stirrer up of ill feeling (4,6) *A*E*O*GER++
alSO Express mag -stephen who English bishop served as lord chancellor during reign of Mary 1st (8) *A*D**E*...
Can anyone tell me where abouts in Scotland is Paterson island ? The question of the quiz says Mixed up Prodigal. I have been given the answer Paterson but do not know why Paterson was given apart...
Am absolutely stumped today with last on - Evely Waugh's novel - four word title - '-u-o-t-o-e-l-g- -' anyone any idea - can't seem to find it?? Quite difficult I found today!! Thanks in advance -...
The answer is an item of food or drink. Mix socially. 6 letters. Also can anyone tell me how to put a photo on my profile to replace the default avatar? Gone on to edit my profile but can't see a way...