22d A plan set up to accomodate a new country ?A???? 21d It's certainly not calm - up goes that part of the ship KE????? keeling perhaps? 35a Old chum to idle - not a good person at heart ?EER (not...
13a flying insect with two wings joined at the front ?OL?NT
6d Rab C's bound up in practice place NE?? something to do with Rab C Nesbitt??
Thank you for any help or explanations...
14a Vehicles seen regularly on airstrip by surveyor (6) ?R?I?S
23a Lie and guy rhyme (6) ?R?MB?
29a Damn boring Admiral gets the Oldie's award (6) ???EE?
Thanks for any help...
14d Muscular quality's in fashion, very cool carrying appeal (8) letters so far include CTN but I don't know the order of them as the answer has to be rearranged before entry into the grid 16d Royal...
Before I can proceed I could do with help on:
11a Showing off new, fancy dame - senorita's for twirling, getting a whistling (4-8)
Thank you anyone who can help...
7d Daft having entrance mainly on left with one behind us (8) D?O?????
8d After worry phone won't start, getting through quickly (6,2) E?T??? / ??
Thanks for any help...
25a What we unexpectedly didn't have post-WSC in respect of disease ????C
33a New minister to sit at table ? Gets into tangle ????NE?
Thanks for any help...
1. Idealised commercials invading building society (9) Answer is a film, starts with B, Badlands would fit, but don't get the clue (The clue has no definition) 2. Little girl accepting restraining...
can't get either answer for 3d: Lad is taken in by tricks - destructive criminals running system are offering encouragement to get into debt . This lengthy clue will give 2 answers, one for each grid,...
Last 2 if anyone can help please: 18a It seems McMurty would have hin go on his way ???S?M?N 19d Works of Hugo and Stendhal, for example ??U?R?S 2nd letter of 18a = 1st letter of 19d Thanks for any...
Completely stuck in top left: 2d Relatively broad cross carried by old man over crates (8) ends in "D" 9a Current, unforeseen new Tudor building....... Ans is UNDERTOW This leads to 10a...
Not sure why/if these are right? 5a Rarely taken walk ?Y?A?H I have bypath? 16a Cleric angered about being screened R?D?L?D I have riddled? 24d Does he keep to the beaten track? L?S?R Thanks for any...
11a Bullet loaded in Luger illegally, breaking it (6,4) ??O??? / ??L?
14a In other versions, pilot starred with female R?????T?
Thank s for any help...