My friends are desperate for a baby - they've been trying for 8 months now and although she had a low iron count at first is now deemed to have a full bill of health. I know its agony for them and i...
Its a long shot but does anyone know how you can get into a Fitness First Black Lable Club when you're just a platinum member? I know its possible because my friend who is a black member saw a...
hello my new job has just dropped on me they're paying me as a contractor. initially i jumped for joy thinking of all the bling i can buy with the tax money but then i came to my senses and realised i...
If have just been laid off, as they say. I have shed some tears in the loo and i have finally composed myself. I'm looking for the best cuss i can possibly say to my boss without looking like a raving...
Does anyone know what date the Celine Dion tickets go on sale for the o2 arena? i'm getting conflicting info off the web and i will seriously be in the dog house if i miss them thx
Sounds a ridiculous question now i've written it but at the grand age of 27 i've gone off it. I love my partner very much but i'd just rather a cup of tea these days. Without sounding like an old...
I just paid that ungodly sum for making the wrong decision by choosing munchies over a twix. why the hell are they so expensive? they don't even taste that nice. Is the machine that puts the biscuit...
I was just reading a heart warming news article about Russia having plans for new Nuclear weapons. Hypothertically, who would be on who's side if WWIII did break out? obviously we'd be on the dozy...
is it actually possible to die of boredom? To be honest, im on the edge and I might just find out by the end of the week but if anyone knows i need to be prepared. thanks
Does anyone know where series 2 of suburban shootout went?? i saw the first one on C5 (loved it), missed the second then the third seemed to dissapear and since then its not been on! i'm devistated.
its a long shot but does anyone know any good restaurants in Derby? I'm going there at the weekend and was looking for somewhere nice but not silly expensive- thx
i have a motorbike but im thinking of becoming a mod instead of a rocker. i've noticed that some of the old lambrettas are not the 'twist and go' types and have gears that look like a small pedal- how...
I have just started a job whereby I'm a contractor. Some 'umbrella' company claimed to have been sent by the company i work for and said i must be paid through them and they manage my tax etc. not...