Here are today's shaded clues for you - 15a A bunk or berth, a garden plot of roses etc (3) 30a A sharp bang or crack, a champagne bottle being opened (3) 31d Thin sheet of material on which to draw... ...
Hello all! I scored a less-than-impressive THREE out of seven on the main quiz this week: . . . and a 'middling' THREE out of five on the junior quiz:...
Good morning everyone - a bit on the miserable side here today, the rain will be back later in the week, it's just getting psyched into it !! Ok Now for the matches .... Brick Layer Busy Bees... ...
Good morning everyone - well Winter has finally arrived after our glorious sunny Autumn, and the rain has come as well, a real cloudburst yesterday while I was driving home ....why do some people... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 9a An adobe or clinker if clay, a loaf of bread, an old-fashioned mobile phone etc (5) 12a Busy people, competitions for spelling, gatherings for quilting or... ...
Good evening! I hope that you're all well and you've been enjoying the glorious British summer weather that we've all been having lately. (Well, I can dream, can't I?) I managed my usual... ...
Hi everyone - well, I thought as it's 2 years tomorrow (13th) since my lovely Lynne (Mamyalynne, in case you didn't know) left us, I'd start an old-style music thread in her memory. Please, join in... ...
//Convicted sex offender Gary Glitter has been ordered to pay at least £508,000 to a victim he abused when she was 12 years old. A High Court judge ruled that Glitter - whose real name is Paul Gadd... ...
Good morning everyone - it's a holiday weekend here, for the King's Birthday no less, and naturally our lovely run of Autumn sunshine has come to an end. While it's not actually chucking it down... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 15a Word, alluding to the movement of a needle and thread, for a short stabbing pain etc (6) 33a Word for a clown, elf or imp, a male ferret, a quoit peg etc... ...
[Sorry for the late post; I've been trying to multi-task - and failing miserably at it!] It's been a 'middling' week all round for me, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz...
I'm not seeking personal gain or promotion towards anything. I just want to create a fun topic. What songs can you include that has a baring on the weather or nature. I'm going to start of by... ...