For all you brainboxes out there...
First person to answer correctly asks the next question.
Q1. In which country would you find the Mendoza Valley?...
I haven't found a single scientific proof to prove that atheists exist. I've seen plenty of anecdotal evidence but no solid proof. So all you argumentative no-God-loving types should stand up and show...
Minn. State Rep Steve Simon- a Democrat, spoke out against Republican efforts to set up a vote next year to lock a ban on gay marriage into the state constitution. I can't believe this didn't trump...
I have my Colonoscopy tomorrow, I have just sat down to my first glass of "Kleen-Prep" I have put this in Body & Soul as I feel this would be most appropriate as I think my body and soul...
Bend and twitch-completely mistify.6 and 3 letters.
Entire male category.5 and 4 letters.any help with clues or answers would be gratefully received....
1d no small matter of little affair... 5,5 I think first word is minor....2nd word has I-S-E 24/7d It will set a start and start a set! 5,4.... _I_S_ _A_E Is it first date?? If so why? Thanks in...
Why do u think a son would do this....? My son has had a very chequered history and as a family we have always stood by him, assisting in anyway we can, even financially. However a month ago he...
5) D Latin-----it`s sexiest possibly for certain philosophers.(15)--I----T----S-- 1) A Ensure article attached to peg is collected by sentry. (10) ---R-----D 13) D relish patronage, pocketing pounds....
DT Herculis today has me stumped. 10a According to buddhism the universal law of nature.6 letters.I've got ?h?r?a and think its kharma but it doesn't look right.Any ideas are very welcome.