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murraymints MANY HAPPIES SAMU XX...
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Pregnant and father of baby is incarcerated. Hey guys, I’m not sure if many can help with me with this topic but I am currently pregnant and due in June. The father of my baby was sentenced 13 months...
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I'd like an update on the air fryer. Does Lady Sqad use it much?
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Battling between holding on & letting go....
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Five things because focusing on good stuff helps mental health 1. Finishing a piece of needlework 2. New underwear 3. Spring flowers 4. Empty laundry basket ( everything done, dried and put away) 5....
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ToraToraTora the 80s music. Great show....
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Morning everyone This time yesterday it was quite light as in I could walk around the house without the need of turning on lights. This morning it’s pitch black? I would have thought it would be...
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Anyone watched the new movie yet ? What did you think ?
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Is Kelly a man or woman?
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//The Times newspaper has reported that the UK will give France more than £200m over three years. ...Last year, the UK agreed to pay France £63m a year to increase surveillance of French beaches.//...
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I’m looking for a new pair of decent slippers. I’ve been buying cheapo supermarket slip on ones but have found they make me walk funny and can be a bit dangerous because they’ll come off too easily...
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What cant you eat without it upsetting your stomach. If I eat an orange, I take off like an F16. :0>...
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Finally getting around to watching it. I remember really enjoying Breaking Bad but it was years ago and cannot remember the end and what happened to Saul. We have watched 2 episodes and is looking...
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In East London. Just wondering whether to do seats or the dance floor.
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Going to our nephew's wedding shortly. The couple already have their house set up, furnished, equipped etc. They have asked, politely, if you do want to give a present, then they would welcome a...
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Why do Amercians always wash their meat? I mean that's just weird + it removes any juices, strips flavour. Is all their meat that stinky? On the subject of stinky meat, If you got a bit o reduced...
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My cousin has hypothyroidism and gets his Levothyroxine prescription free on the NHS Yet I have chronic rhinitis/with polyps which is lifelong and causes frustrating symptoms/loss of sleep and have to...
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Teacher at school asking what was our favourite television show in class of 7/8 year olds I put my hand up and said Crossroads .Ah wasn’t life grand ....
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watched this for the forst time in YEARS this week. What a load of unbelievable claptrap is was, dreadful writing (do people really talk like that?) dreadful acting all round. Who was the woman living...
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Canary42 Patronising bullskit....

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