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1d - Direct product of Welsh factories (2,3,4,5) A? THE ?R?? ?L?E? 17a - Secure attention, closing British licensed premises (4,3) ??N? BAR...
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4d: Jockey's equipment (4): ??i? 6d: Tale part in competition(5): ??a?? 7d: Aquatic sporting equipment(9): ??s???a?? 8d: Tightly coiled springs used in e.g. a gym (5-9): ?n??? e???n???? 16d: More...
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I think you'd need to be nearing pension age to remember him.
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(10a) Sneaky entry? (4, 4) _ A _ K _ O _ R. (26d) Authentic coin of old ...... (4) R _ _ _ . (27d) .... not even for a price. (4) O _ _ _ . (28a) What Beckham does best; o o o! o o (4, 6) _ _ _ L _ E...
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Aid to Pakistan has been described as pitifull woefull. Why do you thin that is? Are people sick of Fanatic Muslims, many of whom receive their radical training out there ? Is it just apathy ?...
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57a) bland expressions (10) e??ye??s?s 111a) steep, rugged rock (5) c?a?g any help much appreciated. thanks...
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sara3 and do post the before and after pictures....
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19d Scowl if left in French station (5) ?L?R? 21d It's kept in pen after initially mauling animal (4) M?N?...
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An acquaintance of mine is a shift manager at a fast food restaurant. The majority of staff are asian and they operate an unofficial caste system. So if one of the "higher" caste workers...
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22a Lower name and number (6) N - T - E - 23a Go past odd scan when in vogue(9) - R - N - C - - -...
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32a Sir Walter Scott novel (8) - - - E - L - Y 22d historic settlement on the bay of skaill (5,4) S - - - A/ - R - E 63a balkean republiv (6) K - S - - - 59d desirable (8) E - - - - B - E 15d playing...
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21a Slow down, say, for a breather (5)???a? 23a Group not allowed to be heard (4) ?a?? 25a Prune's condition (4) ??i? 17d Worker not in to get something given free (4,3) ?a?? ?u? 22d Bear flowers for...
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Give right to vote and create ATOC? (11) _ n f _ a _ c _ i s _ Where one may travel on European express trains but not in England! (8) u _ _ t _ i _ s Any help appreciated....
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20a Old graphite penciltop, what a pain!(8) - L - - - A - - 16a Enduring diary minus the French (7) - H - O - - -...
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answers are to do woth sweets and chocolate 1 superior throughfare say what you see eg forTUNE small fortune 2.IIIII 3.CY CY 4.COTAXME girls names 5. end of the day many thanks...
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His surgeon said he has never had anyone recover so well from the surgery so quickly and said that the MRSA is nothing to worry about. Unfortunately it seems it is just a side effect of any major...
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I've finished but i need to check 59d Desirable E?V??B?E I put ENVIABLE but i dont think it looks right!...
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1) Are the crew of a russian submarine forced to land on an island off Connecticut? 2) Do the people of Todday resist the building of a rocket range? 3) Do two playboys swear off women - until they...
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Just checking last one, 3d Christmas alone,strange without a present(4) N-e- is it noel?...

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