6d-extent or measurement of two dimensional surface(4)A?e? 53a-policy introdused by FD Roosevelt to help u.s economy recover following the great depression(3,4)N???E?L 48d-bird considered one of the...
http://www.telegraph....migration-centre.html Is this a set-up to prevent this lump of scum from being deported? Wangita, who is unemployed, came to England as a young child with his mother, anyone...
Preforming animals have almost disappeared from appearing at circuses, and there are certain groups that would have zoos closed, given the chance, yet last Saturday saw yet another Grand National run....
Stuck on last three. 26a A durable twilled fabric, usually worsted (5) I have S---E. 23d Asian tree which bears lemon-like fruits (6) I have _I---N and 21d Disputed territory in south-eastern Europe...
Hi, I am about to apply for a job which is 20 hours per week. The Full Time salary would be £15,541. I would like to know how much i would earn annually for 20 hours per week. Thank you for any...
Hello to everyone. I apologise in advance if this is too much of a “downer” but I’m fed-up, need to speak & this is the only site I use. My good friend & neighbour of 13...
Hi 2 all. I have finally moved- nearly straight! All answers are the same written in reverse. 1- One's duty to the community 2- Principle 3- Single singing performance 4- Could be high or above 5-...
Hi this is a cryptic xword. 1d for which degree one writes about a tsar (4) a?t? 3d discourage a doctor taking in summer in france (5) d?t?r 13d she is seen finally in the hawaiian capital (4) r???...
Looks like we've got a right one here just out to try asnd make easy money at everyone else's expense! He's asked for every single answer from todays MOS, doesn't look like he's tried to do any...