Can anyone recommend a moisturising, facial sunscreen that won't turn my face chalky, purply grey?
I'm looking for a high SPF but not one that makes me look half dead....
One of the things I've taken up during lockdown isolation is participating in short-term courses being provided free by English Universities. An archaeology course raised an interesting question which...
Sent whisky to my old comrade (he's 85 now) via Amazon. Delivery driver demanded to see his ID (he's eighty-five, and looks it!), shouting that he was going to 'take it back if no ID', and that it had...
The wearing of masks/coverings could be made compulsory is shops and pubs. I understand how it could work in shops (even though I don’t think it’s necessary) but how would it work in pubs? Lifting the...
The spraying and wiping down of tables and chairs outside with anti-bacteria solution. After every single use. Isn’t this a tad excessive as I’ve read the virus is not normally know to infect from...
Watched how "champ" was made on tonight's show. Big lumps/strips of scallions/spring onions just bucked into the mashed potatoes. My family and I would have died had we have been given something like...
After reading tiggerblues post a few days ago about hair loss, I decided to send for Regaine for Women from ebay, it arrived today. On the box are certain restrictions like do not use if you are over...
Is this offer just too good to be true? I love my drinks to be very cold. My...
"taking the knee", perlease! I'd always loved the drivers for being mavericks! How did they allow themselves to be bullied into this. I've always been a huge fan of Hamilton, not any more. What a...