Is it possible to create a webpage that has a graphic in it and text and lines without having to link to those separate files...what I want is to have all the stuff in one much easier for...
pop-up ads with almost every webpage I open? Even sites such as BBC that didn't used to have third-party ads. Could I have downloaded something by mistake?
Why are car number plates blurred out on television programmes? Sometimes, when a presenter is doing an outside broadcast or something, cars in the background have thier number plates blurred...
I work in 'financial services' and have sensitive client information stored on my hard disk. As i am planning to upgrade my pc, can you tell me how to permanently wipe all data so it cannot be...
Dopes anyone know thename of an old film probably 30s or 40s that is in Black and White, and is a series of short stories all linked by a cat who is wandering into shops and around alleys? If I...
What is the music played in the prom in American Pie 1? I haven't seen the film in ages, but I vaguely remember that it was a high level shot that was looking down over the hall of people dancing....
i have a ps2 andsmost of games support network play what i want to know is will this network adaptor work on a ps2 i found that...
Does anyone know the song that is being played on Jackass when they do the slip slide and Johnny and everyone is sliding down the ramp coverd in baby oil into the sea? IT goes round and round we go...
I went to see 'The Return of the King' last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. That is apart from the bizarre homoerotic undertones in Jackson's direction. Why did he feel the need to have Frodo and Sam...
Is it just me or is Kerry McFadden the most annoying woman you have ever met? Used to like her before she was oN 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here!' now I hate her!