I have to teach singing to a group of 17 year old boys. Most of them are goths- pierced etc. They are musicians, not singers, and I know it is going to be hard finding songs they will like. I'm not...
I have lots of text/academic books from my time at uni (graduated last year) and i have put them on a student book website but not sold that many. Any ideas as to how to find homes for the rest?
i have had a bailiff call twice now once 6 months ago and again today, firstly i am not the person who's name the guy is asking for but i know it is me he wants secondly i explained 6 months ago that...
Not sure where to post this.. Are all coffins lined with lead or is it just something done for the rich and famous. If they are purely wood, how long would it take for the wood to totally rot away
I have just watched the sad spectacle of the coffins of the dead servicemen who died in the air crash in Afghanistan, arriving back to their home base of Kilross. What I ask is why on this occasion...
I am currently learning to play the guitar and my fingers get a little sore. I was wondering if anyone had any non-guitar related methods of building up callouses on my fingers so that I can practise...
My father (now in his 70's) remembers singing lyrics to the tune The Dambusters March - but cannot recall them - anyone know them or where I could find them on the net? I've tried trawling through...
last night hubby was watching a film with edward g robinson in it, i got muddled up and said that edward g robinson was a big bearded fella who acted in some old english films it turns out he was...
is the book "flowers in the attic" supposedly based on a true story? - what is the significance/meaning of the the title? , and are there any pictures of the author v c andrews? thx
Three questions in one here: Which site do most teens go to in order to read other people's blogs? Which site would you (as parents) prefer them to go to? Do their preferred sites match yours, and...
I recently saw A Scanner Darkly and thought it was brilliant. I think the some of the best films from great books are: The Shining and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Most of the time the film is...
My house mate is moving out at the end of the month, and his room is going. Does anyone need a room!? Its in a 3 bedroom house in walthamstow/Leyton. Rent is ?395 a month all inclusive.