HELP PLEASE!!!! This is driving me mad! I know that the prodigy did a song with that seriously creepy cat from the 80's/90's (charlie says) but i cant find it n e where.... i know it exists because i...
As it's very hot and sticky outside, and we're all feeling the strain, and tempers fraying, I thought an AB Magical Mystery Trip was called for. This will pick you up on your street/road end at 10am...
Next week I am going up to the Isle of Skye to visit relatives, now being a true southerner from the garden state of Hertfordshire, I need to know if; a) do I need a passport. b) will they notice by...
Some guy (with 0 previous purchases) clicked the Buy It Now link on my auction, waited a day then sent me an email saying: "Compliment of the day,I am Mr Herbert Isaac From USA, but prensently in...
Its driving me daft cos I know I know it but cant find it.!!! Lyrics - If I just lay here,If you just just lay with me and forget the world. I know I'm a t*t but Ive had a mental block lol!
in the paper today there were pictures of Giraffes and Tigers with big ice lollies because of the hot whether at Zoo's and i was wondering what flavour the Tigers would be, it was red in colour (the...
We've got a smart rat! I have been baiting a trap (a large version of the classic mouse-trap) with parmesan cheese rind but the little devil keeps taking the cheese without setting off the trap. The...
I read somewhere that you can configure your Start Menu by going to Start,Run and type in ? configure. Anyone know what I type into Run. Many Thanks.My PC takes an age to boot up from sign-on.
how do i sign up with a doctor? do i need to obtain anything from my old doctor? i have just moved and have been with the doctors at my old address since i was born and i'm not sure how i go about...
how old is she? she is acting like a 9 year old schoolgirl and doing everyones heads in!!! mind you maybe i would too being massaged by shane lynch!!! yum!!!
ugh.... I have been off work for 2 weeks now ( not doing anything special, just glad to be away from the damned place) and I have to go back on Monday!!! Sssssooooo not looking forward to it :(...
there is a programme coming on this weekend about head transplants, who's head would u like to swap yours for and who's head would u like to swap your partners for?