What is the most humane way of stopping a dog barking quickly? Neighbours of ours have wrongly accused our dog of barking all the timeand we know it wasn't ours as we weren't there at the time and...
A few months ago I posted a question about my youngest sleeping a great deal during the day but I put it down to me starting a part time job and him spending more time with a friend and her children....
have just bought one of these manuf by Silentnight. It has a flat side and one which I can only describe as being like an egg carton. Question is, which side do we sleep on please?
I have a very serious snail problem in my tropical fish tank. I have tried chemical remedies which help temporarily and I have a Clown Loach who supposedly should be eating them. Sometimes the glass...
I've shared my home with dogs all my life but here's one i've never come across before. My eight year old Collie cross bitch has recently changed her bark ! Same frequency,same reasons but sounds...
I was thinking the other day regarding the internet, that we never know where, as in which country, the person we are communicating with lives , If you are reading this which country are you in ? now...
My 18 month old tom cat has suddenly turned vicious for not apparent reason. Jumped up at me as I stood, wide eyed and teeth snarlling. Split second instinct made me put my arm across my face. All...
can anyone tell me is there a dress code for invited guests to a confirmation to wear ? my friend has been invited to one and was going to wear a red dress and has been told it would not be...
I have an 11 week old border terrier that nips - albeit in a playful manner at the moment, but i want to stop it before it becomes a habit. She draws blood and even if i give a firm 'NO' she still...
meeting up with a few of the girls i went to school with 30+ years ago tomorrow. Im feeling really nervous! anyone else done something like this? what was it like?
I'm just about to finish college (hopefully with some good grades); so I was thinking about trying drugs since I have always wanted to...and I will have a break in my academic life; so it won't effect...
My dogs been passing blood in her urine, she is 7years old and had her spleen removed 2 years ago. I took her to the vet, he gave her a ultra scan,he said she has a kidney mass in one kidney and...
there's a robin's nest on a fence outside our house. it has no shelter whatsoever and it poured down last night. im very concerned as there are 3 baby robins in the nest probably 1-2 wks old max and i...