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5a Popularline dance that origiated from the musical Me and My Girl (7,4) Have L??B??? ???? 11a chief consort of Pharoah Akhenaten (9) just have ?E??????? 16a is it hoof or is this TOO obvious? 12a...
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Japanese for thank you
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Thank you in Swedish, T-c-, and in Italy Gra-i-, and 4 dn please, Fustier -o---i-r. Thanks in advance.
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Anyone know of a website where I can read up on about the 60/70s "folk" band Forest? All I know is that they came from Lincolnshire and had at least two's no use me googling forest cos all...
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in clothes,what about bell bottoms???,, mini skirts.
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My father, when he was in West Africa in what was the Gold Coast (now Ghana) fathered a child with one of his employees. This would have been around 1950-1952. I know she tried to make contact in the...
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Based on 16d (Answer Thank You) I need translatios of this answer into: Japanese(7) - _ R _ G _ T _ Swedish(4) - T _ C _ (Is it tack?) and to check thee: German(5) (Is it Danka?) Italian(6) (Is it...
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anotheoldgit 4/Paramedic-tried-buy-wine-wearing-thong-super market-staff-refused-serve-uniform.html On those grounds I think it was wrong for the supermarket to...
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I need to set a jelly by teatime today. Can I bung it in the freezer after its cooled and if so, for how long? Thanks
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In my garden I have had in this last week two birds nests one a sparrows and the other a blackbird raided of their eggs. One day the poor birds are tirelessly building the nest and two days later the...
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Does anyone know what was sold sliced at a tripe shop that resembled a light brown donor in texture?. I don't think it was udder. Thanks in advance.
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China Doll
Randomly I got a bit of a hankering on for some of those breakfast baked beans this morning; they used to come in a standard tin of beans but they also had sausages, bacon and some sort of egg thingy...
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How did the saying "Lost his bottle" or bottled out" come about? Its used a lot on tele but im wondering if its an old saying.
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How can i stop this from happening..How can I protect myself before I sleep..I have had a great loss recently that I find hard enough to deal with when I am awake but now when I sleep I am crying and...
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15 across How to say 16 down in japanese (7) ?r?g?t?
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Why is it that when elderly people get urinary infections it affects them mentally? My wife works in a care home and she tells me that the elderly often "lose the plot" when they get...
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a couple of weeks ago, my female rabbit got out in the run with a male. a few days ago she started pulling out fur but that has stopped now. She has dug a burrow but there doesnt seem t be anything...
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German 2nd WW prisoner of war camp. Help last one 24d ?T?L?G
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23A ?e?a?k Notice, observe,comment and 17a ?r?c?a? how to say thank you in Spain. Last two if anyone can help.V many thanks in advance
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im heartbroken shes been gone 5 months shes 18 in june and we still dont seem to be getting on any better she wont come home if i come down to visit she goes upstairs ive done nothing wrong i dont no...

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